Useful web tools for artists
Stock Free Images
Free Stock images are very useful source for artists. Most artists would use stock images at some stage of their creations. These images are high quality photographs that have been made available to use. It is very important that you make sure the images you find online are safe to use and not violating any copyrights.
Robert A. Sloan has written an article 'How Artists Can Use Photos for Inspiration Without Violating Copyright' in 2022 and expained very clearly on copyright violation.
Pixabay is a site that shares copyright-free images, videos, music and illustrations. All of the content is released under the Pixabay License. This means the content is safe to use without permission or credit to the artist.
It offers a variety of free and hand-selected photos gifted by the Unsplash community. All photos are under the Unishplash licence and the photographers who upload images to Unsplash grant users a free copyright licence to their work.
Wikimedia Commons is a Wiki site that, according to its licensing page, only accepts free media files, including images that “are not subject to copyright restrictions which would prevent them being used by anyone, anytime, for any purpose”.
Canva is an Australian global multi-national[5] graphic design platform that is used to create social media graphics and presentations.The app includes readymade templates for users to use. Creating an account and using Canva is free, although the majority of high quality elements will need to be paid for in order to download one's project.,